Mission & Vision
A student centered culture where all students will grow toward mastery and beyond.
Driven in the pursuit of excellence, the faculty and staff of Emmett Gilbert School of Excellence at Ford will exude compassion, consistency, determination, and teamwork to make student centered decisions that will foster and support improvement of all students to mastery and beyond.
Griffin Oath of Excellence
- All students achieving target growth to mastery levels on LEAP by the end of their 8thgrade year.
- Student- led instruction where students are inquirers, active listeners, and engaged in daily lessons.
- Students using math skills and concepts to solve real-world problems.
- Students use positive behavior expectations to achieve, social, emotional, and academic success.
- Teachers and students utilizing data to make informed decisions regarding teaching and learned for more individualized instruction.
- Increase parental and community involvement
Parent-School Compact
Emmett Gilbert will provide educational opportunities for all students to achieve in a safe productive learning environment. Emmett Gilbert will provide daily high-quality curriculum and instruction that enables all children to meet the state’s student academic achievement based on grade level expectations. We will hold parent-teacher conferences twice per year (once per semester) during which compact will be discussed as it relates to your child. We will send home iterim reports once per quarter indicating your child’s progress. We will send written communications of non-teaching times of your child’s teacher so you can consult with the teacher. We will provide activities during the school year for parents to volunteer and observe their child’s class.
Parent Mission Statement
As a parent, I will insure that my child attends school regularly. I will provide a time and place for my child to complete homework assignments and will help my child. I will monitor the amount of time that my child participates in extracurricular activities during the school week. I will read, sign, and return important papers requested by the school. I further plan to keep the lines of communication open with the school to monitor the progress of my child. I will participate, as appropriate, in decisions relating to my child’s education. I will strive to make my child’s home environment safe and will talk to my child regularly about health and safety. I promise to spend time each day listening to my child.
Student Mission Statement
As a student, I pleadge that I will strive to do my best in each of my classes daily. I will share the responsibility to improve my academic achievement and achieve the state’s standards. Specifically, I will:
- Do my homework every day and ask for help when I need to.
- Read at least 30 minutes everyday outside of school time.
- Give to my parents or adult who is responsible for my welfare all notices and information received by me from my school everyday.
- I will show respect to my classmates, my teachers, and my parents.
- I will settle differences without violence and will help other students to do the same.
- I will follow school rules, arrive to class on time, and be a good citizen of the EGSE community.